Keep your Clearlidz top safe with this custom fit Storage Jacket. Available for the JK Wrangler Clearlidz, and for JL Wrangler /JT Gladiator model Clearlidz.
Heavy Duty, U.V. resistant, black polyester fabric.
Full Length heavy duty zipper makes it easy to enclose the full roof.
Zippered Side Pocket feature keeps the Door Seals and Thumbscrews in the same place as the roof.
Convenient Tote Handle may also be used to safely and conveniently hang the Storage Jacket in the garage when not in use.
Select the storage bag that custom fits your particular Clearlidz top.
I finally have a safe way to store my lid. I was using the plastic bag it was shipped in. This is much better.
Excellent Storage Bag
With the freedom panels off and the clear lid installed, I ended up storing the freedom panels in the bag and hanging it on the wall. It actually works really well. Keeps the panels off the floor and provides protection.